Which monitor speakers are the most detailed...

and musical? I'm looking to start a second system and have read many threads regarding monitors such as ACI Jaguar, Merlin TSM, Totem Tabu and Dynaudio 1.3SE. Unfortunately, I live in an area where I can't audition any of the aforementioned. Any input would be greatly appreciated. My second system consists of Sim I-5 integrated, Cary CD-306-200, Silver Audio interconnects, Silver Audio Power Burst powerchords and Symphony 32 speaker cables.
I agree with you Shanej in what you've mentioned in particular:
Totem Tabu or if you find for >3k Totem Mani and don't forget about the stands.
They can through some flor-standing deep and tight bass with uniquely defined mids and musical highs.
Shanej, the distributor is Garnet Lewis at Winter Tree Audio. www.wintertreeaudio.ca
The distributor is Garnet Lewis at www.wintertreeaudio.ca (or .com). I believe he now has the Monitor 30 available.

I recommend Silverline SR-17s. It is an "older" model that doesn't get boatloads of press, but you don't find them available used very often because those that own them simply don't need to look elsewhere. They are simply superb. Excellent tonal balance, speed, and accuracy, work very well with all kinds of music. I really love mine. Do a search on the Audiogon homepage for SR-17 and you'll find at least 3 or 4 dealers (but none used!)

