Best "Used" Audiophile speakers for 1000-1500

I just got my federal taxes done and I'm in the "red"; so, I can't spend $4000 for hi-end speaker this year or maybe ever. Need some input on buying a good "used" audiophile speaker for somewhere between $1000-1500.I realize this is a narrow range but I'm sure somebody out there needs the cash and may want to part with a good to mint pair of speakers which retailed for near $3000. Can't wait for better times to come around!! because, I am tired of listening to the cheap pair of mid-fi cans I found in my friend's basement after I sold my B&W's to finance my dream hi-end speakers. All advice appreciated.

Sounds to me like your priorities include midrange at least as good as the B&W's, lively dynamics, and excellent soundstaging.

I just cruised over to the Full Range page, and saw for sale there a couple of pairs of Meadowlark Shearwater Hotrods, a pair of Tyler Acoustics Taylo reference monitors, a pair of Dunlavy SC111's, and a pair of Audio Physics Tempo's. I'd think owning any of these would be an enjoyable experience. I'd probably go with the Shearwaters.

You didn't ask me, but I'll volunteer it anyway: I think the Aragon amp is not up to the level of the rest of your system.

Now, if it was my money, I'd sell the Aragon for something tubular, and snap up a pair of original Quad ESL's. But then, I'd probably even settle for Maggie 3.6's in a pinch...

But it's your priorities that count, not mine. Best of luck to you on your quest, Sunnyjim!

I've seen these here for $1500 or so. At that price they are a heck of a bargain.
now that ya provided room & equipment info info... ;~) used thiel 3.5's will do it for ya - real imaging & soundstaging, and true low- frequency extension - -2db@20hz. *but*, i'd check out a pair of vmps rm2's or neo 626's brand-new, ist... ~$1600 retail, cheaper if ya can install the drivers & wiring yourself, & dealers have been known to offer some discounts... these speakers have a ribbon midrange & tweet, coupled to a carbon-fibre woofer. the midrange extends from 166hz to 10khz, so no x0-over distortion in the critical frequency range. i can't wait to audition them, & their larger siblings, the rm2 & rm40...

doug s.
hi steved, i guess that explains the title of yer post: "Audio Artistry Dvoraks"... ;~)

doug s.