Coincident UHS speakers,,,,,,anyone own a pair?

Anyone own a pair of Coincident ultre high sensitivity line of speakers? If so, what are you powering them with and how do you like the sound?
Use the search engine.
I'll repeat for you what I posted earlier.

I have a pair of Triumphs with the TRS and Revelator tweeter upgrades and just got a pair of the mini subs.

I've used them with Wright-Sound Mono 8s,Panor Dynaco and am now using a Belles 150A Hot Rod amp.

With the 8s I found the volume levels lacking.I still like my music LOUD and the 8s ran out of gas just when things were getting good.On certain types of music,acoustic and voices,the music was to die for.But I still want to rock and out the 8s went.Which said something for the Triumphs.

In came the 35 watt Panor Dynaco for a one month stay.The boogie came back and it would have stayed but a good deal came up on the Belles.

The Belles is a great match for the Triumphs.A very mellow sound with the added watts being used to push the new mini subs.

The mini subs add just the right amount of bass.Which the Triumphs are NOT lacking that much of.You will be surprised by the bass those little two ways can put out.But with the subs the sound is more fleshed out and full rounded.I have no plans of selling the Triumph/Mini Sub set up.

I have also had B&W Matrix 804s in my system and home auditioned B&W 805s and a small expensive pair of two ways from Mirage.I liked the detail of the 805s but found them a bit on the bright side.I have allmost all of the detail of the 805s with the Triumphs but in a much silkier,smoother sound.

I feel you can't go wrong with Coincident speakers.
Thanks Bibby.

Do the subs go underneath the Triumphs or do they sit alone in a corner. I've never seen the mini sub so I have no idea what it looks like.

Do you have any pics you could email me?
Total Victory- can do the 'shock and awe' thing yet also portray the lightest dynamic shading gradient changes- truly impressive- mine are hear to stay. I use ASL 1009 tube monoblocks- this combo just made HP's (Absolute sound) 'Super Component' list- 60 good tube watts are plenty for the TV's considering their high sensivity...
About 4 months ago, I revamped my whole system. I purchased Coincident Victory speakers, Audio Research VSi55 tube integrated amp, and a highly modified Philips 1000 SACD player (modified by Kyle Takenaga / Reference Audio Mods), and Coincident CSD interconnect, Coincident Total Reference speaker cables and Coincident power cord (to the amp), and a Dedicated Audio Blue Star power cord (to the 1000). I also have 3 dedicated electrical outlets that are wired with Virtual Dynamics shielded copper wire, and Wattgate receptacles.

It took a little over 1,000 hours for the tweeters to break in and settle down on the Victory's... but, now they are producing some of the best sound I've ever owned! And, I have owned Wilson Watt/Puppy/Whow... double KLH 9's, Martin Logan CLS's, several Magneplanar's, Fulton Premier's, Silverline SR17's and, too many others to relate. I think I know good sound when I hear it... and, this is good sound!

All the components are really working well together. The sound stage is wide and deep, and very holographic, transparent and detailed. The background is quite with much air around each musical source in the SACD... and, even in the Red Book CD's. A good piano is reproduced with reality... the attack of the hammers, and the vibrations of the strings are there with you. Nothing seems to be left out... or added. The focus is very definite, but with no edge... at least after they break in.

You must be patient with the Victory's, and I have heard with the other UHS Coincident speakers, as well. Up until 1,000 hours, they have an irritating edge, and you might wonder if it will ever happen with them. But, suddenly it all comes in, or out, and wow... what sound! Very seductive... it draws you right in.

A good female voice is so there in presence. And, oh yes, the slobber factor is present also. You can hear it all!

The bass is very fast and detailed, but it does not go down much below 35 Hz. I believe I will try a subwoofer at some point... or, go to the Total Victory. But, in the meantime, I won't want. I'll just enjoy!

I love the way the new ARC VSi55 controls the stage and drives these fantastic speakers. Bill Johnson and gang did themselves proud with this little beauty. This has to be the sleeper in the amp field! I've owned many ARC amps, and this fine instrument will hold its own, especially with efficient speakers like the Coincident Victory's.

I can't speak highly enough of Kyle Takenaga's modification of my Philips 1000... he definitely knows how to make 'em sing! The amazing thing is how well the Red Books sound with the mod. But, SACD's are even better.

So, thanks to William Z. Johnson, Israel Blume, and Kyle Takenaga (and others), I have a very exciting and wonderful musical experience. And, oh, yes... a very good HD video system that plays through this 2 channel sound system. I'm in hog heaven!
Skooks- who is this Kyle guy and does he have a website or means of contact? Remember hearing the name some time back in the forums...