Electronic crossover recommendations

I need some help finding the best electronic crossover. I am looking to experiment with going active to a few different speakers. I am going to use it on commercial speakers, and some DIY speakers. I need it to be able to be used on ANY 2 or 3 way speaker. Flexibility is really important. I am really looking for only top notch ones. I keep hearing that active is the way to go, so I thought I would give it a try. If you have used one or know of one, I would appreciate it if you can drop a line or two about it. thanks
Does anyone have anything to add about this recommendation that Jeff made for the DBX Drive Rack PA unit? I'm looking for something to replace the crossover that came with my Infinity RS-1bs... (for under $1000, and for under $500 if I can get it done).

This Stereophile article seems to describe part of the issue I have with the Infinity Unit:

Some of the new Behringer models have been getting talked about. Under $400, can function as a digital preamp, x-over and digital room eq. You can dial the thing in on your computer, and change EQ settings on the fly. The DIY crowd loves these things since they really help with x-over design.
Ok, I'll look into that Behringer line, along with the DBX line. Thx.

Will welcome further discussion of this. I have the feeling that I need to figure out the right one is before I buy, even though I don't think I can figure out the right one for sure without hooking it up. A lot of them seemed geared for hooking up a subwoofer to mains, and the crossover frequency is in that area, but that's not what I want.

From this page, I get my alleged crossover frequency(ies) although I question the accuracy:


I'm not sure if those are listing the frequencies that the outboard crossover unit does, or something that is done on some of the towers themselves (considering the number of drivers).

All I really want is something that will do a reasonable job of dividing up bass from treble. So, I need to know that general frequency. My infinity crossover unit, either due to disrepair or poor design, and probably additionally because it is not as simple to do this as I put it, seems to make that dividing up much much harder to attain than it needs to be.
If you are going to stay in the digital domain until you get to the speaker the Berhinger would be a great choice. If you are going analog into the crossover and into the amps the DBX is a much better choice; its DACs work damn well.

Then, there are even better units out there once you have proven the concept.
RIVES, what are you using your Bryston (10b?) crossover for? What speakers I mean?
I presume an all active attempt?