Best Speakers/ Mini monitors USED 5K


I am looking for a pair of full range speakers or
mini monitors for around 5k. This is for a Two
channel systems which consist of Levinson 38s
ML 37, ML 36s, and ML 331 Amp. My choices are
Wilson Watt and Puppies, B&W 802N, and Revel

I know folks who have the money to use Wilson's for flower pots and either have Apogee Divas or are looking for one.
Well said muralman! Multiple application will ensure companies staying in business, even as flower pots. And when did Apogee co. went out of business? They didn't even survive as lousy curtains. BTW i make my own. "flower pots":
The talons are far better than Watt/Puupy 5.1s. I've auditioned them back to back. I easily prefer the Talons to the Watt/Puppy 6s. I suggest that Hchg888 look into them especially as a pair has just come on Audiogon, although the price is only so-so.
Oops, sorry. I was just telling it like it is. Jason Bloom sold the company and moved to the next best thing as entrepeneurs will do. The company was sold to ADS which promptly buried the patents. Why do you think they spent millions just to do that?
Don't be sorry, just change your underwear! Just kiddin' man. Sure, there could be number of better sounding (still just subjective opinion) speakers on the market, but besides performance shouldn't you expect at least that company backs-up the product if and when things go wrong? Apogees are no more, and only solution for the unfortunate owner is to 'scramble' around the world to try to fix them. Why?