Best Speakers/ Mini monitors USED 5K


I am looking for a pair of full range speakers or
mini monitors for around 5k. This is for a Two
channel systems which consist of Levinson 38s
ML 37, ML 36s, and ML 331 Amp. My choices are
Wilson Watt and Puppies, B&W 802N, and Revel

the APOGEES like all ribbon/electrostats have demand load problems...i'm sure the APOGGES are a fine sounding speaker...but you're limited in amp to use...not very attractive and big and not practical...the JMLABS ($2.5K UP) would have to be my only choice...they use the FOCAL mid-woofers which in my opinion are the best drivers in production...i'm putting together a kit( with the 8W5411 + PHILIPS RT8(isodynamic tweeter)...another choice would be the kits i saw last night on a new web sight i found by accident...FOCAL
Mural, just give it a try and go into it with open mind, you will be surprised! Rgds!
Try and have a listen to a big apogee, Duetta, Diva, Scfintilla, Full Range, Grands, properly placed and powered, and let your hair down.

You will be alwys thankful. Cheers!
I'd go for the Merlin TSM-M's or you can also look for
TSM-SE used and send them to merlim for the M upgrade IT"S WORTH IT. The TSM-M's sound great with solid state and tubed gear. Also, I can't speek highly enough about the company.