Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's

My system consists of Thor Audio TPA 150 el-34 tubed monoblocks, a Thor TA-2000 premamp with phono(tubed),
Cary 306/200 which I use as a transport and Thor Audio DC-1000 tubed Dac, VPI scoutmaster turntable with a clearudio discovery cartridge, Richrad Gray power conditioner, an Audio Physics
Minos Subwoofer and a pair or Quad 988's.
Quad positives:Great for piano, voice and small groups such
as chamber music. With a voice or piano you swear the piano or voice was in your room.
Quad negatives:Bass does not extend low enough.
No illusion of an entire orchestra on stage. The Quads shrink the musical presentation. Lacking in dynamic contrasts. They also soften many instruments. For instance the tambourines in Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien instead of sounding sharp like in a dynamic speaker, they sound
rounded out and softened.
My issue: I am told that only an electrostatic can deliver the clarity that a Quad can deliver. I have looked into the Sound Labs but even with their new impedance modification I do not think my amps can drive them.
Will a speaker like a Vandersteen 5A, Kharma 3.2 give me the clarity of the Quads with the dynamic contrasts, and
the illusion of 90-100 people on a stage and not 10. I know I'm asking for a lot but I don't want to replace the Quads and take a few steps backwards in doing this. The Quads have lived with me for over 1 and 1/2 and they do some amazing things, but is there more for the approximate price guideline I have suggested.? I guess as a music lover and audiophile you are always searching for that additional something. Has anybody out there found someting that might work with my sysytem that gives me that
something more?
Those quads will be very tough to improve upon ... maybe BIG soundlabs, but they are line sources and do not have the advantage of the Quads unique point source system. I believe you should try to improve the weak points of your current set up and believe you might be doing more harm than good by going a different path. If I may suggest a tube amp with some big voltage output....Wolcotts, Tube Research etc. Even SS ala Innersound,MBL, etc....VOLTAGE is the key for estats to produce bass!
Get your quads off the richard grays and systruns!!!!
Get them up 1-2 feet off the ground...spread them out wide, adjust toe in and rake, but MOST IMPORTANT... get them as far from the front wall as you can. Try very nearfield for your seating with nothing between or in front of your speakers. Your Quads can do better. Try to run them full range and just bring the sub in underneath em.
I own watt pupps also....I listen to my gradient quads 90% of the time....shake things up.
PS....nice sub ...if you decide to sell shoot me an email....good luck
Dan in NY
I was a Magnepan owner for years yearning for more dynamic volume as you did with your stats but not willing to sacrific the transparency and speed of planar speakers or the pinpoint imaging.

Now I own Wilson Watt Puppy 7's (or you could get a set of Wilson Sophia's and a Rel Sub which would be an excellent combo) .... Increadible pinpoint imaging and dynamics with speed in spades... It's amazing how realistic the upright bass is!

Give them a listen but if they aren't setup or if they are matched to components correclty they sound harsh... (no Krell, Classe, Levinson, etc on these...) stick with Rowland, Pass, VTL (or any tubes for that matter), Lamm, ARC, CJ etc... Transparent cabling brings everything into focus also if you are looking for the n'th detail in everything (this is worth a component upgrade..)
Kjl: Be wary of SoundLabs as the panels have to be replaced quite often. I know a number of people who have had continuous problems with them and getting service on them is not easy.

Sonically the are nice, but the room size is very critical. My recommendation for more info if you have an interest, would be Audio Kinesis. Duke is a gentleman and very knowledgeable.
The AG horns have an immediacy and transparency to match the ELSs. They are renowned for their dynamic range and ability to fill a room. No problems with driving them - they only need 3-4 W!! The bass problems with the subs is much better in the newest models. They can sound pretty crap if not set up well - beware!
However, when properly set up, they'll have your feet tapping. Get a pair of Avantgarde Duos - probably the best compromise in the line up and within your budget.