what are your favorite movie soundtracks.

I am looking to get into more movie soundtracks that sound that survive musically without the movie. I am not interested in soundtracks a that take a bunch of pop offerings a that are basically a collection of pop hits/songs but are origional soundtrack recordings that can be listened to all by themselves.

Some that I have tried with various amounts of successs are Glory, Schindler's List, Dances with Wolves, and Murder in the First.

I do not care for opera, rap or country but everything else is an open book.
Here are some of mine from the 80s in no particular order.

Transformers The Movie
Rocky IV
Top Gun
Where's Bianchi27? He's the OP. Been gone since 03. As a matter of fact he never came back; that's one of my pet peeves.
Rok2id, this is movie soundtracks. You say the name of that movie was "Don't Mess With Bill", and it starred The Marvelettes. I wonder how come I never saw it.