Best $300 Speaker Used

My dad is finally getting involved in Home Theater. He has an Outlaw 1050 receiver and is looking for the best set of mains he can get for under $300 new or used to pair with it. These will probably be mostly used for home theater together with some listening to 50s and 60s rock and roll. Size is not a real issue here. I would imagine in this price range it will be necessary to get a subwoofer for full range sound, but if there is something out there that can do it without one that would be better.

I recommended he audition the Paradigm speaker line because of their excellant price/performance ratio. What other speakers would you recommend he listen to?
I am a big Acoustic Research fan. Take a look at They have the AR 11 towers (part of their Hi Res series, in either black or cherry) for about $400 a pair new (they are $900 speakers) ... My experience with them is in a HT set-up. They play loud (91db efficient), very clear and clean sounding, reproduce bass very well, and do a pretty good job with music as well. I have dealt with accessories4less quite a bit and I have nothing but praise for their products and service.
Linn Tukans. My very favorite speaker in the whole world.(at that price) They are very versatile, don't require tons of power and are real perty too. 1k/pr. new. I paid $600 new because they were being replaced by the Katan, which in my $1.99 opinion is better neither in form nor function. You should easily be able to pick up a used pair for the money in your budget. I,ll die with mine even if I never listen to them again.
Happy shopping
Thanks for all the feedback, and keep it coming if you haven't put in your two cents worth so far! I never realized that this price range was so interesting!
hi gpalmer... another speaker you might want to consider is the fried a/6. it's auctioned off on this site occasionally. if you do a search over at audioasylum, there is some very interesting reading about these speakers. i have a pair, and they are incredibly musical, very engaging speakers. really a steal at $300/pr. i also second the b&w recommendation. i had b&w's for quite awhile, and they are great, versatile speakers that will do well for both HT and music. best of luck!
I am using NHT Superones in my bedroom with a Nak receiver and Technics DVD player as source. Other speakers I would have used are: B&W 602, KEF Q30/35, NHT 1.1/1.3, Tannoy Mercury...