No bass for HT with Vandersteen 2wq...

I have a Vandy 2wq subwoofer that I use on my home theatre system. I bought this model rather than the 2w because, while not my primary music system, I listen to quite a bit of 2 channel music on it. But because this model uses a high level input, I have to set my Adcom processor to "no subwoofer" and the front speakers to "large". But the problem is that the bass level is not sufficient for HT. I don't use a crossover because the sound deteriorated substantially, even with the filters from Vandy. Also, I use a VTL preamp on this system for 2 channel music, and there is more than enough bass (no problem with the sub).

Here are my options:

1. $$$$- Buy a better processor with better bass management- I don't want to do this because I don't want to spend $4K or more on a decent one. Also, I'm not sure if even a better one can properly re-route the sub signal to the mains.

2. $$-Buy a low cost amp and run it from the sub out of the processor, and then hook to the vandy. The problem here is when I use for music (with the VTL preamp vs. the processor), I won't have the sub.

3. $$$-Buy a second sub for HT.

Anyone have any other ideas or opinions on which would be best sonically? Of course, the cheaper the better! I'm curious if others with this sub have had the same problem, or success with a different processor.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Go to and read his articles on subwoofers and home theater in general.
I agree; great answer. Sdcampbell really knows his Vandersteen subs. The REL's have a phase switch, so it is easy to determine which phase is correct without a lot of fuss. You don't need a crossover with a REL either. You can adjust the crossover/slope and volume right at the sub. These are the reasons I stated they are easy to integrate.

That said; the Vandersteen is a very nice musical sub at its price point; and you will enjoy it once you can get it setup correctly.

In my earlier post, I forgot to mention one other factor: placement of the Vandy subs in your listening room. I have talked directly with Richard Vandersteen on this subject, and his guidance (repeated in the user's manual) is to place the 2Wq's in the room corners if possible, but within a few feet of the main speakers. Corner placement substantially improves the bass loading into the room, and having the subs fairly close to the main speakers yields better integration of the frequencies.

If you have your main speakers on a long wall, it may not be practical to place the subs in the corners of the room. If so, you should still have the subs fairly close to the back wall. In short, the closer you can place the subs to room boundaries (back wall OK, corner best), the better the Vandy subs will perform.

The other point I did not specifically address is having one Vandy 2Wq versus two. The 2Wq was ideally designed to be used in pairs, and if you are using only one, you WILL have less output. More than that, if you have only one 2Wq for music applications, you will be losing phase-related information form the music signal, since it is necessary to sum the L+R signals at the sub's inputs.

Vandersteen produces the V2W subwoofer for HT use, and it has a 12" passive radiator on the front panel which increases output about 6 db. The V2W also is driven directly from the LFE output on the pre/pro, unlike the 2Wq which gets its signal from the power amp outputs. If high volume levels are a primary desire, then you may want to think about selling your 2Wq and buy two V2W's instead. This would provide the phase-related information inherent in the music, plus very high volume output.

When I originally bought my Vandy 2Wq, I had only one sub in the system -- it was decent, but not what I had hoped for. When I added a second 2Wq, it was whole different matter -- the bass is tight, full, extremely musical, and fully adequate for HT. If you do not have a pair of 2Wq's in your system, you are NOT hearing the performance that the 2Wq's can provide. In short, I suggest you get a second 2Wq -- I think you will be very pleased with the result.

Last point: using the crossover, as I said in my initial post, isn't optional. Not only does it directly impact the performance of the sub, it also impacts the performance of your main speakers. One of the less-discussed benefits of using a subwoofer in a full-range system is the reduction of IM distortion in the mid-range and woofer drivers in the main speakers. This yields a significant improvement in both apparent speed and clarity in the critical upper bass and mid-range frequencies.

Hope this helps. I -- and some other posters on this forum -- have spent a lot of time tweaking our Vandy subwoofers (2Wq, V2W, and the sub in the Model 5). I can't speak for others, but if you'd like to talk with me by phone about optimizing your 2Wq setup, please send me a private E-mail containing your home phone number, and I'll be glad to call you.
SD, thank you very much for taking the time to go in depth with you explanations. I will take your advice and spend the $150 to buy the crossover. Part of the reason I didn't buy the crossover was I tried one and I felt it altered the soundstage and muddied the sound of the mids/highs of my speakers. It wasn't awful like the temporary xover supplied with the sub, but still a sacrifice. When I ran full range without the xover, I did get a bit of a boomy bass probably in the 80-120hz range, but I felt this was better than having harshness in the highs and was able to play with the settings and placement to where I found it very enjoyable. Obviously from your post, you don't have any of the sound deterioration. I will try again with the temporary one and see if I can find the impedance setting that sounds right.

Also, I do get plenty of bass when I listen to 2 channel music. I route my processor through the processor loop on my music preamp, so the amp is the same amp for both systems. That's why I felt it was more of the processor not being able to route the bass signals back into the two front mains.

Thanks all for your help!