Eidolon, Amati Homage, or Watt?

Although my Dunlavy SC4's are great, I've got the "bug" to change speakers. My system consists of CJ Premier 8 XS mono amps(135 watts/chan push-pull triode),CAT mk.3 preamp,Krell 20i cd player and a VPI table. The room is 20Lx18Wx17H with the speakers on the long wall and I listen to jazz and vocal.

I've never tried any other speakers in my home system
but auditioned the Amati and Watt/6 at dealers with different systems and while they are both good in their own way,I'm still looking. Can the Eidolon's deliver all the goods of the Dunlavy,s and more, with only the medium power of my amps? I would also welcome other speaker suggestions.
Agreed,systems should compliment the room.I know this to be true as I had my exact system in a much smaller room and it was disappointing. It replaced a more modest but still very pleasing system and yet failed to even match it in terms of simple musical enjoyment. Also at that time ,I had a 7' grand piano that sounded gorgeous at the dealer,but awful in its new cramped space. Well, in their new home with room to breathe, both system and piano sing.

A word on set up. I follow Dunlavy's advice to have a greater distance between the speakers than from the listening position to the speakers. This typically mandates positioning on the long wall which he also suggests. I don't know if this technique works with other types of speakers, but it works extreemly well with Dunlavy(the magic is lost any other way). I have not heard the W/P6 set up in that way or any other speaker for that matter. I am curious as to the results of such a set up.

I'm looking foward to the Hi-Fi show next month to check out the fine gear suggested here in this thread. Once again, I thank you all for your support.

Rushton, among the fine speakers suggested, the Eidolons seem to perform well overall and do little harm. It also seems that while my 135 watt/chan CJ will drive them satisfactorily, they really come alive with more power. I could re-configure the amps to run in pentode,producing 275 watt/chan, but I would rather not. Re-tubed not too long ago.
Since it's not likely to find an Avalon dealer with CJ8xs, I'll try them with as similar amplification as possible.

BTW, I temporarily had the Atmasphere MP1 pre amp in place of the CAT mk1 running balanced to a Krell 300s SS amp and the MP1 breathed new life to that system.
I own the Eidolon, much better than the W.Watt, but after two years I want to change them. Next speakers? As I donĀ“t want to have in front me two walls, instead that the sound labs are fantastics, Pipedreams, Piega, Lumenwhite or Kharma are the only ones posibilities.
I am a dealer, but I will try to be impartial. I have a customer who owned the Eidolon's and they drove him nuts. He tried everything he could to get rid of a very nasty bass bump at about 80-90 hz, but could not do it. He had the ARC Ref 300 MKII's and then tried the Accuphase A50V's. No luck. He also thoought they wer too lean for his taste. He eventually sold them after auditioning the Piega P10's (in his house) and also sold all of his amps and bought the Tenor's.

I have to agree with Arooj on his assessment of the Talon Khorus X's. I currently have them setup and have endured the AWFUL break-in period. I was ready to throw them off the back deck, but thanks to a friend who also owns them, I stuck with them. It literally takes over 500 hours before they are listenable, but after that, they are wonderful. There is a cohesiveness that is not there with the WP's, Eidolon's or the Amati's (the most beautiful of the bunch). They are one of the best imaging speakers, sound stage is incredible, the midrange has body and transparency galore, the bass is THUNDEROUS, and the highs are sweet and airy. They are world-class in every way and I recommend you find a way to hear them. Most people give up on them before break-in, I almost made the same mistake and I am glad I endured!

As far as my motivation goes, I received a brand new pair of these on trade, from a customer, for some electronics, not as a Talon dealer. I am blown away and will be pursuing the line, if they will have us as a dealer.

Other speakers I recommend, that I do not sell, that are wonderful with the music you like are the Magnepan 20.1's and the Soundlabs M1's.
for image and tonal purity there is only one speaker
avalon diamond. jm lab does not have the same depth of the sound stage which is typical for most european speakers. If you have the power to drive them the mbl 101 speakers are a revolutionary product from an amazing company...Watts are not known to be as musical as others but they play loud for the jbl headbanger American audience and with a much higher price tag...