best used speaker for around 2500?

tastes are jazz, pop, classical. I listen to digital (CD and SACD) as well as analog. The speakers will be mated to a Copland CTA301 tubed preamp and a Copland CTA505 tubed power amp- 67 wpc in pentode and 35 wpc in triode. required ASAP
Ag insider logo xs@2xmitcho
If you want an excellent full-range speaker, the Vandersteen 3A Signatures can be acquired for around $2500 on the used market. Even at MSRP, Vandy 3A and 3A Sig's are an excellent value, but at used prices there are very few speakers that compare. I have a pair of Vandy 3A Sig's, and listen to the same kind of music you do (plus blues), and prefer them to any speaker I have owned over the past 30+ years. Vandy speakers also mate very well with tube power amps, although your Copeland will probably have to operate in pentode mode if you listen at higher volume levels.
Why buy used when the PMC FB-1 or the Spendor SP-1/2E can be bought new for $2500? Both are excellent for mid-range detail and full, natural sound.
I would suggest that you listen to a pair of ProAc 2.5 speakers. They are very musical and work well with tube equipment. They retail for $4500 and I have seen them offered on Audiogon for around $2500.