best used speaker for around 2500?

tastes are jazz, pop, classical. I listen to digital (CD and SACD) as well as analog. The speakers will be mated to a Copland CTA301 tubed preamp and a Copland CTA505 tubed power amp- 67 wpc in pentode and 35 wpc in triode. required ASAP
Ag insider logo xs@2xmitcho
around $2750 to $3000 (depending on the "vintage"/condition) and try a pair of Merlin VSM-SE's. Great speaker, especially with tubes and your music preferences. They can also be updated to Millenium status at a reasonable cost (the Millenium version will set you back $7K plus new).
I had money to spare after buying my pair ( Hot Rod version ). Wonderfully extended, neutral and musical with a superb midrange. I have a Copland CTA-301 myself, with a Celeste W-4070SE and Ensemble Voiceflux biwire cables.
thanks for your input. A few look interesting. The Genesis, the VMPS, the Merlins, and 3A's.
I'd like to know where the used 10t's are that are $2500?
Someone had too much to drink or sumthin!

beemer (his used 10t's are worth quite a bit more than $2500)