Anybody knows the PMC ib1?

I have heard that this speaker needs lots of power. How does it sound at low volumes? Suitable for both acoustic and electronic music? Thanks for your help.
I own a pair of PMC IB1 and I have to say that this has been
the best buy of my life... It beats up any other speaker on the market.. be it Genelec, Adam, Dynaudio...
It is merciless for bad recorded cd and silky beautiful for well recorded hear everything... the image is like never heard before... buy it..

I drive them with a Classe audio power amp 100watts per channel.

I also have a pair of IB1's and they are very beautiful sounding speakers. The sound is still very full even at verylow levels so you dont need to worry there!!
I run them with a 500 watt amp but I am sure a lower power amp would do.
If you want to buy very high quality speakers that sound at home with any music style, then the PMC studio line could be what you want. Very transparant, very powerfull, well balanced, large reserves, play loud without strain, but also sound very 'awake' at low levels. A real discovery!!

I'm a very recent & happy IB2 owner that was regaining my hifi-initerest but did not want to visit all the hifi-shops to listen to an endless variety of speakers all on different equipment... As I owned Bryston gear I took the plunge after having heard the PMC's at several shows.

Big guess...., even bigger rewards..!!!

The transparency with the Musical Fidelity Nuvista CD player (throug Bryston BP20 pre-amp) is very special..
Even my always skeptical parents immedeately concluded that this speaker was a quantum leap in performance over my former KEF Reference 4's. I was amazed!!

You can trust PMC, they don't sell beautifull, sexy speakers (my dad said they looked ugly :-), but I have n-e-v-e-r heard anything like this before!
I also own IB2's and will never sell them, they are that good.

Another great find Pro find is the Prism Dream DA-1 DAC. This DAC really brings the IB2's to life. They are very expensive new but because Audiophiles don't know about this DAC, you can pick a used one up from a Pro dealer for less that $2k - use Google.

BTW, the DAC is just as ugly as the PMC's but it is an unbelievable performer.