best diy or used somewhat small speaker 1200

I want to upgrade a pair of B&W 602s2's that are my mains for HT. I am running them with a Sunfire SG2 and a Sherbourn 5/1500a - 200wpc @ 8 ohm. I can do DIY, but would prefer to do a kit components to get 'matched' parts. Thanks
I ended up buying a used pair of Totem Tabus, just a hair under my budget. Looking forward to their arrival.
I'll second Clueless vote , the Dave Ellis 1801's, which is a Seas W17 + Hiquaphon tweeter, a very good tweeter, has a "ribbon-like" sound.
Truthrider, hope the Totem's do everything that you want them to and even more : ) Vince's "little" speakers with "little drivers" are kind of amazing so long as you don't want to raise the roof. Sean
Any thoughts on a center to compliment the Totems? Currently have a B&W 600 (the bigger of the two offered). I would like to build one in under the TV but I am limited to a box 6" tall. I would just build in the B&W components but they need a box that is 8" tall. My wife would LOVE to see the center get off of the top of our HT cabinent.
Personally, i think that the center should match the timbre of the mains as closely as possible. Given the fact that you have Totem's and Vince typically likes using smaller drivers to begin with, he just might have a slim-line design that could squeeze into the required space. Try dropping him a line or giving him a call. Sean