Von Schweikerts or Coincidents or ?

I am looking for consumer advice for speaker suggestions.

I am shopping for speakers to go with my CAT JL-1 MK IIs in a CD based system. My choice has narrowed down to medium-high sensitivity full-range speakers with soft-dome tweeters and a tube friendly impedance across the audible-band. For my tastes and ears, no metal-dome will do (no Revel, B&W, Talon, Wilson Audio). Also, the domestic-partner (wife) will not go for unusual shaped speakers (Avantgard, Buell, etc.)

As of now, I am trying to decide between the following (we listen to rock, classical, jazz, country, blues):

Coincident Tecnhology Total Victory, or
Von Schweikert VR-5 HSE

Any votes for either of the above or another suggestion?
Ag insider logo xs@2xcdg14
Silverline also makes some really nice tube-friendly speakers. I just heard the LaFolias at the Stereophile show and were quite impressive. Best of luck.

Proceed to your nearest Coincident dealer asap! They deliver all the musical goods with ease. I would consider the Total Eclipse along with the Total Victory. Coincidents are the perfect match to your gear, imho. I think most other Coincident owners dont want anyone else in their club so they keep the good news to themselves. I want to spread the love.
Go now, you wont regret it. Best real world priced speakers with giant killing skills. COINCIDENT.