New Dynaudio C series candidates for ugliest list.

Now that I have seen these speakers in person I must say that they come up way short visually especially for the money.
No problem with the sonics but this uninspired design looks like it should be sold at Ikea. You know go to this aile to pick the wooden tower and proceed to another aisle to pick the speaker frame, mount on top of your Volvo, take em home, use the supplied hex wrench to assemble and you have great spaeker for 12k or 16k. IMHO I think that Dynaudio could have at least put the speakers inside the box
I agree with Davifran...not a bad looking a matter of fact, for me.....they would fit in well (visually).

I too found they quite impressive in a brief audition at the NY show in May. One of the best sounds that weekend!
I have auditioned them as well and they look very nice in person. They sound fantastic. If you want to see an ugly speaker, check out the Legacy Manhatton. That will make the C series look like a super model.

If Dynaudio C series should be sold at Ikea then all the speakers except Dynaudio should be dumped into the sea.
I just saw the speakers yesterday,they are definately ugly.
But looks are not everything.They sounded great,i am saving up my pennies!