Tube poweramp for B&W Nautilus for under 2k?

I am thinking of the Vac PA 100/100. I would love to try a conrad j Premier 11a but do not think 75 watts is enough?
I am really looking for people who have owned or been in contact with the Vac and B&W's. I appreciate the other responses but am looking a little more specific on this one
I owned the B&W 801 Nautilus speaker system and drove them with a krell 400cx amp (demo'd them with a VT-200 ARC amp as well; which I've also owned); they are clean, pure and controlled!! Now for the bad news....they do not come alive unless you crank them far beyond even live levels!! Dynamic contrasts suffer as well, along with presence!! Another annoying item is the transition region from mid-bass to lower mids...cello region is suppressed by a few db...very annoying and sucks the energy out of this crucial power region!! I asked B&W about the crossover error and they ignored me 3 answer was ever given!! In case you might place the blame on my other components I assure you that my ARC REF2mkII, Levinson 37 Transport & 360s processor are up to the challenge. I used Transparent Ref cables and cords!! My Watt\Puppy 6's were fun and my Dunlavy SC-V's are amazing and much more full of life!!
The PA100 has plenty of power to drive the Nautilus speakers. I prefer it over any solid state amps I've tried or heard in other N802 systems. You didn't mention which series you are using so anything up to an N801 should be fine. Tube selection is important to achieve the sound you are looking for.
I am sorry I was not more clear. I have the Nautilus 804's. I know there is enough power but how about the rest of the dynamic range? Good tonal balance? What charachteristics do you notice in this piece? Thanks for the reply.