Tube poweramp for B&W Nautilus for under 2k?

I am thinking of the Vac PA 100/100. I would love to try a conrad j Premier 11a but do not think 75 watts is enough?
The PA100 has plenty of power to drive the Nautilus speakers. I prefer it over any solid state amps I've tried or heard in other N802 systems. You didn't mention which series you are using so anything up to an N801 should be fine. Tube selection is important to achieve the sound you are looking for.
I am sorry I was not more clear. I have the Nautilus 804's. I know there is enough power but how about the rest of the dynamic range? Good tonal balance? What charachteristics do you notice in this piece? Thanks for the reply.
Tonal balance will change dramatically with tube choice. I purchased my PA100 used and it came with VAC chinese KT88's and RT driver tubes and the sound was basically big, fat, warm tubey bass, a nice mid, not much air on top, but for the music I listen to most often, 60's jazz it sounded very beguiling but at a disadvantage with rock and classical. I changed the KT88's to Svetlana's and that is the best compromise for me. Nos Sylvania 6189's will give a bit more extension at the extremes with a loss in the mid-upper bass but not in bass impact. This would probably be a better driver tube for rock and classical. With my setup as described, I find the sound to be warm, detailed without being in your face, bass that is full with enough impact to shake the house on something like "Enya- The Long Ships". The top end lets you hear all the cymbals and horns without making your ears bleed. I dislike the pinched over-controlled bass that solid state presents and the harsh harmonics of a piano, so for me I am happy with my VAC and Nautilus combo.
Thank you very much you really have been quite helpful. I listen to a lot of rock so I will look into the Svetlana's if the used amp I get does not have them already. I have the musical fidelity 3.2 right now and it is really good in many ways but I miss tubes. Who knows maybe I will keep both. But I wanted to try out a good tube amp and the CJ is just too expensive and I really do not have room for monos