What is next after Paradigm Studio S-40

I had a simple and nice system 3 months ago: Pioneer F-705 CD player, Rotel pre/power - 960BX and Paradigm Studio S-40 speakers.
I decided to upgrage the system and now I have: Bryston BP-25 preamp, Bryston 3B-ST power amp and Arcam CD-72 CD player. It seems that my speakers are the weakest link in this system.
What speakers would you suggest to try? I have already tried Totem Mani-2 (too dry and flat unless you put very expensive wires), PMC LB2 and FB1 - I did not like bass and soundstage.
Paradigms sound great and this is the sort of sound I like.
So, what is similar to Paradigm sound (open with good mid-bass) but more detailed and acurate? Or may be I need to upgrade cables? (I have audioquest Slate speakers cables and Audioquest Coral interconnects).
Thanks, I appeciate your time.
I would move up to the paradigm studio 60's 80's or 100's. 60's would give you a bit more bass due to the size of the cabnet
The paradigm studio 40s are great speakers, and I suspect you'll have to move up quite a bit to better them. I recently upgraded from a pair of them to a pair of Tyler Acoustics Linbrook monitors. This was indeed an improvement in the areas you mention but not as huge a difference as one might expect. Still, the more I listen to the linbrooks, the better I like them so I do recommend that you check them out. BTW, I've always used a sub with both the paradigms and the linbrooks which does help them out considerably.
Definately try the Studio 100.2s if you have the room. I am simply amazed by them - best purchase ever in terms of quality of sound and value in my system. I cannot get enough of them. BTW, I wouldn't wait for the MUCH more expensive new versions. Good luck! Arthur
I would have to agree...the studios are hard to surpass...let alone for the money...they are surprisingly transparent...I would suggest Maggies with the Bryston which my dealer has and is a killer combo...but if you already have stands with the studio 40s...I would suggest sticking with a full range monitor...the only real weakness of the Paradigms is their treble can come across a bit "hot" for my tastes...for a smoother presentation...Quad 12L, Von Shiekwert vr-1, Reference 3a di Cappos....etc...all use fabric tweeters...and avoid the "zingy" sound of metallic tweets...
The "zingy" highs can be easily cured with a good amp. I have heard harsh highs from the 100.2s before but mine are sublime - more perfect than I could have hoped for actually. Called dumb luck - the deciding factor in audio ;). Arthur