What is next after Paradigm Studio S-40

I had a simple and nice system 3 months ago: Pioneer F-705 CD player, Rotel pre/power - 960BX and Paradigm Studio S-40 speakers.
I decided to upgrage the system and now I have: Bryston BP-25 preamp, Bryston 3B-ST power amp and Arcam CD-72 CD player. It seems that my speakers are the weakest link in this system.
What speakers would you suggest to try? I have already tried Totem Mani-2 (too dry and flat unless you put very expensive wires), PMC LB2 and FB1 - I did not like bass and soundstage.
Paradigms sound great and this is the sort of sound I like.
So, what is similar to Paradigm sound (open with good mid-bass) but more detailed and acurate? Or may be I need to upgrade cables? (I have audioquest Slate speakers cables and Audioquest Coral interconnects).
Thanks, I appeciate your time.
I would put the Quad 12L in the same breath as SPendor and Revel monitors...not as dark or forgiving as Spendors...more in common with the uncolored, high definition sound of Revel...but a very open, coherent, and dynamic midrange...and less than half the price...Quad 11Ls are very nice for smaller rooms...I would also agree with Subaruguru...if you are going to upgrade...might as well do it right
I haven't heard the 12L, but if it's a better than the nice 11L, and has a great midband than I certainly agree with Phasecorrect, as the 11L is almost as good as the Spendor S3/5 in many ways.