Tweeter hiss?

Hi, I'm new to the world of hi-fi and audiogon and was hoping someone out there could help me.

When I have my amp turned on (an integrated) with the speakers connected, but not the CD player, I hear a hiss coming from the tweeters of both speakers. This is with the volume completely turned down. Is this normal? If I turn the volume up the noise increases. It's not very loud by any means - I need to be within a foot of the speaker to notice it. Is there something wrong with my amp or speakers? If music is playing then the hiss is covered by music. I am also unhappy with my systems general "brightness" and fatigue factor and I wonder if this is related to my hiss-tweeter problem.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
(Rotel integrated, B&W 601s3, audioquest cable)
It could be an electrical problem. Try switching outlets. As for the brightness, how new is your system? Maybe your speakers need breaking in. I dont know how much the brightness is going fade because those components have a bright sonic signature. Another suggestion would be to switch interconnects and speaker cables. Good luck.
This is not a "bright" system. Give it some time to break in (100 hours?). Is the hiss worse with the cd disconnected or just turned off? What kind of CD player? This should be a quiet system. Play with cable routing so they don't touch if possible.
hello, in gerneral, it may come from interconnect cable,, you may try to seperate with each other, beside,, i am not sure that your amp has treble may adjusted it too high often introduces un natual hiss..
Thanks for the responses.

I don't think it's an electrical problem. I tried plugging into different outlets, same results. Also whether the CD player (also Rotel) was on or not (and disconnected) had no effect. As for the cables, they are in close proximity but none are touching eachother.

As for the brightness the speakers are relatively new, my guess would be less than 100 hours. Is there a "proper" way of breaking them in? Basically I just listen to music and try to avoid really loud levels.

I'm not sure if this is a factor but the speaker wire is unterminated at the speaker end. It's bare and I just pushed it through the hole in the binding post (not the banana plug hole) and tightened the nut. Could this be an issue?
