Tweeter hiss?

Hi, I'm new to the world of hi-fi and audiogon and was hoping someone out there could help me.

When I have my amp turned on (an integrated) with the speakers connected, but not the CD player, I hear a hiss coming from the tweeters of both speakers. This is with the volume completely turned down. Is this normal? If I turn the volume up the noise increases. It's not very loud by any means - I need to be within a foot of the speaker to notice it. Is there something wrong with my amp or speakers? If music is playing then the hiss is covered by music. I am also unhappy with my systems general "brightness" and fatigue factor and I wonder if this is related to my hiss-tweeter problem.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
(Rotel integrated, B&W 601s3, audioquest cable)
Thanks Jsawhitlock. My gut feeling is that it's an amp issue and not a speaker issue. Unfortunately I don't have any other speakers or amps to test my hunch.

Seperates are out of my budget right now so I'm leaning toward getting a better integrated (Creek, Classe, Bryston B60?) For now, I'm going to give the speakers some more break-in time and see if that has desirable effects.
Good Move! I run Classe and enjoy there sound alot, never bright and never wears you out! You may be able to pick up some seperates for less than you think and sell the rotel to pay for the rest. BTW Classe makes a nice intgrated. Maybe do this in stages, There are a few Classe amps like the CA-100 for around $600 and if you need more power the CA200 for $1200. Have also seen a few preamps CP-35 at $600 and CP-45 at $750.
Hapy Listening!
FIrst finish breaking in the speakers, if the sound doesnt improve then replace the amp. Try a NAD 320bee, they seem to mate well with B&W. You can get one for under $400 new. Ive also seen creek 4330 mkII for about $400 used here on A'gon. The creek has a much darker tonal balance than the NAD but its a fine unit. I dont know how theyll pair with the B&W's. Also consider what kind of music you listen to. Some amps are better suited to classical and jazz rather than rock and dance.
Yup, it's an amp issue. Appears that your amp can work through the entire audio frequency. The hiss you're hearing is the high frequency artifacts. Normal - for good amps.
All electronics generate some level of "stochastic" noise, due to random electron movement. Some are better than others in this department, but it is not at all uncommon to be able to hear a "hiss" when you put your ears near the speakers. It has nothing at all to do with the speakers; it is generated by the powered circuits. That said, Rotel is not exactly the end-all for electronics, and should be your first upgrade. Your thoughts about trading up to a Creek or Classe or Bryston integrated are right on target.