Speaker placement along the long wall

Does anyone have any experience with speaker placement along the long wall? My room is 15'Lx12W. The rear of the room has a 6' wide opening into the dining room. This allows me to seat in between the two rooms (about 10' from the speaker right now), though it remains domestically unpopular. I'm considering relinquishing the space between the two rooms by moving the speakers along the 15' wall. The only problem is that I'll have about 8' from the chair to the new front wall, thus forcing me into near-field listening. My speakers are sealed box design(Hales Rev3). I'm wondering, before I attempt to re-arrange the living room, how close to the rear wall can these speakers be placed with minimal change in sound quality or any other pros&cons.

Responses are much appreciated.
Wywhcan, congratulations. A little room treatment can go a long way. If your head is nearly flush against the opposing wall a section of absorbent material can be beneficial. If driver intergadation is challanged by moving your speakers out frome the back wall, some absorbent or difussing material may restore some loss of soundstage depth. My limited experience has demonstrated that long wall positioning allows for more spread between speakers, as such you may expand the sound stage (you may have to modify toe in) and due to increased distance from speaker to listener may allow for more distance from the rear wall. Of course there are other considerations such as bass loading due to closer corner proximity. Don't be afraid to experiment. It will be most helpfull if you keep notes re: sound impressions vis a vis speaker location (actual measurements). Good listening.
I really believe you will find that with substantial absorbtion behind the listening position the stage depth will just go on and on. I don't know a bunch about acoustics, but after 30+ years of placing speakers along the long wall that, shifting the entire arrangement a couple of feet to one side makes a huge, positive difference.

I´m also in the long wall club.....
What song /time Amused does have the dog effect=?

The dog effect is on track#1. You really have to increase the volume a bit to hear the first dog effect behind you right at the start of the track. Sometimes later the dog moves to the right and the barking is more pronounced. A lot of people miss the first dog effect since it's level is much lower than the second one. There was a thread on this a while back: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1015691388&openflup&1&4#1

BTW, do you get the old man monologue on the first and last track placed squarely to your left? Same for Merv Albert talking on Perfect Sense 2.
Jadem6, Unsound, Lugnut

The speaker wall is completely bare. I may consider a thick wall rug or something. I don't think I'm allowed to place tube traps or any such materials.