bookshelf to floorstanding-real upgrade?

I have 3 month old NHT sb3's that replaced Paradigm Titans. Much better sound, especially bass. Also, have great metal stands which make a big difference. I can still trade my Titans on floorstanding Paradigms-monitor 5's. I wonder if this is really the an upgrade & whether the Paradigms will be much better. I won't be able to bring my NHT's when I listen to the 5's & I can't bring the 5's back (200 miles). I thought the Titans were great until I bought the sb'3s...I have a small apartment and maybe I should just relegate the Titans to a backup system..any advice?

To tell you the truth i have heard more good sounding bookshelf then floorstander speakers. And i am a floorstander fan... In my personal opinion, what will decide which "type" of speaker will sound best is the room. A small speaker won't be able to sound best in a large room and a big floorstander won't sound good put in a small space. Bigger isn't always automatically better.

I agree with your assertion except there are some great bookshelve dpeakers that can fill a good size room with sound as well.

Floorstanders can also be used to good effect in a medium sizzed room.I am not speaking of monsters like Klipschorns,but 6-8" Woofer bassed enclosers like the slimline floorstanders.

If you have an auditorium sized room horns fill it good.

I had Maggies which even in a medium sized room are really to much.You do need alot of room for Planars In my opinion because they have to be well away from the wall to sound best that is why I do not recommend them to many people.Plus the special amplification needed for them.They have a really percular load.

Keep the NHTs and add a nice musical wont be gaining much bass extension....unless you go with very large which loss of imaging might come in to play...which will probably overide your room anyway...the NHTS with a sub...such as a HSU,Adire, or sunfire will be your me...