ATC SCM12 and 50wpc Manley Stingray?

I'm interested in auditioning the SCM12s but I've seen the discussions of the ATC speakers here and they all talked about how much power it takes to run these speakers.

If I'm going to be using these speakers typically in moderately sized apartment living rooms, and listen with a volume level primarily around 75db, will my 50 wpc Stingray integrated be able to drive these speakers?

A dealer I spoke with assured me that although the speakers had low sensitivity, the phase/impedence angles were very flat & tube friendly.

Any thoughts?
Well, perhaps you should audition scm12 side by side with scm10.
Don't get me wrong, SCM10 is very very good. As far as midrange clarity goes
it's just matter of point of reference.

Out of all Brit monitors, I think ATC is pretty darn transparent. I
doubt that my observation is caused by electronics/cables since I've
driven 'em with different amps in past 3 years. Anywhere from
Krell, Rowland, Nagra, Plinius, Tact, Exposure, Sim Moon... I can't remember
what others... I ended up with
Bel Canto eVo6 bridged which is pretty darn *transparent* amplifier.
I could hear the same sonic signature no matter which amp i was using.
Granted, some complimented ATC's strength rather than exposing their

As for cabling, I am using NBS Statement with the pair and currently
using NBS master power cord for eVo6.

You wanna know what *analytical* is? Try Wilson. In some ways,
they share certain taits, yet, what is so marvelous about ATC
is that they give you enough information without losing a soul and
aside from a power requirement, they are relatively easy to partner
with electronics and place in the room to strut what they offer.

You've got a wonderful speakers. :-)
Misskuma: I have been toying with getting some ATC 12's. You mentioned you had listened to the ATCs with Plinius. Was that with Plinius separates? Integrated? I have the Plinius 8200mk2 and am wondering how that might pair with the 12's.
yeah. the one i had was Plinius SA100 mk3.
Sorry, I haven't heard the integrated.

BTW, I've gotten hold of 40 watt push pull tube amp.
I'll try it with SCM10 to see how they do in a small room.
Misskuma, 40Watt push and pull tube amp is a little under powered. I've driven it with McIntosh MC240 and the speaker can kill the amp when you crank it up. I'm currently using a 55 Watt push and pull and it is the best I've ever heard out of the SCM10
*the speaker can kill the amp when you crank it up.*

woudn't that be the other way around?
ie: underpowering the speakers can blow drivers?
I am hoping small room ( 10X12 ) would help it.
If 40 watts isn't enough, I can switch it to KT90
and get 8 more watts.

What was mac's power output?