Martin Logan with 7 foot ceiling?

Room is 18 x 14 with 7 foot ceilings. Will any ML speaker work? I have Bryston 7Bst's. Comments on this match welcome.
The speakers should work fine with a 7 foot ceiling since the high frequencies are beamed in the vertical plane and should not reflect off the ceiling unless the speaker panels are tilted back (aimed upward).

As far as the match with the Bryston goes, I can't comment on that marriage other than to say I'd be thinking of a tube source or preamp...
I agree with the previous reply. I have a set of Aerius i speakers. They beam forwards (and backwards) but not up. This is usually considered a negative, because the sound changes when you stand up. you have to be sitting down to get the right sound out of them. In your case I suppose this would be an advantage, as you are probably trying to minimize reflected sound from the ceiling.