Verity Parsifals vs 1st series Talon KhorusX

If I ever make a move to solidstate
(I'm thinking maybe Passlab),has anyone heard
or own this combination?
Kana813: I never bad mouthed the Khorus, I just stated that the Khorus X is far superior to the Khorus.

Also, my analog setup consists of the following:

SME Model 30
SME IV.Vi Tonearm
VDH Colibri
Manley Steelhead & LAMM LP2 Deluxe Phono stages

Please do not underestimate the Audio Aero Capitole CD Player. It will surprise any analog lover.

No more stinkeye, OK. :)
Tireguy- I'm glad you find me funny.

No, I don't know Jtinn. Are you one of Jtinn's customers or just an idiot as you've posted above.

My comment was based on Jtinn's posted system
which didn't show an analog input until today. Since it's now obvious he has an excellent TT system, I stand corrected.

No I've never heard the Capitole, I don't listen to CDs.
I'm glad you enjoy yours.

Jtinn- Glad to see you still listen to LPs. Live long and
sell lots of $9k CD players to idiots like Tim.

I've been in love with my Parsifal Encores for a year and a half now.
Earlier comments re "slow" or "insufficient" bass are puzzling. Then I remember the chat I had with the designer Julien Pelchat:
The Encore uses an INCREDIBLY fast 8" custom Dynaudio driver that, at 4 ohms, gobbles current in a hurry. I tried to power these with 80w/ch/4 (Audio Refinement Complete), and just didn't get enough bottom punch.
I then broke the bank with Aleph 2 monos (through an Aleph P), and the heavens opened up! The Aleph 2s are good for about 160-200w/ch/4, and that, IN COMBINATION WITH FRONT-FIRING WOOFER configuration, floats my boat every day!
Extension is flat in-room to 30Hz easily, and, as Julien said, the quickness of this woofer is extraordinary! (Veruty's problem with the original Parsifal was that the 8ohm woofer was slower than the ultraquick 5" mid, so that overhang and muddiness became issues. Perhaps some folks misinterpret fast, clean, bass with LACK of output?)
Do note that if your room requires pulling the Parsifals out from the front wall more than a few feet you WILL need to spin around the bass modules to try front-firing. Verity suggested that they see this need 20% of the time. Methinks the % might be higher, especially for those who like/need to set up nearfield triangles in larger rooms. The resultant stage depth is very rewarding, AND as the three drivers cohere SO easily, you don';t feel the need to "sit back" as with many high end three-ways (Nautilus, Aeriel, etc.).
Just my eleven cents.
Kana- again I am laughing and you hit the nail on the head- though everyone else here already knew that I was an idiot ;) ~tim
Kana813: Tim is a GREAT guy and both of you have something in common... audio. Let's play nice. :)

What upgrades did you do to the Khorus'? How did it improve? I am a very big fan of Talon and think there are few speakers in their price range that achieve the speed and dynamics as well. What are you driving them with?