Von Schweikert VR-2's

Has anyone heard the new VSA speakers that were released this year? If so, how do they compare to the rest of the line, especially the VR-4s?
Now I personally wouldn't go so far as to say that they better every speaker under $10k, but they most certainly compete favorably in the $5k range and for their asking price of $2,500 they are an absolute bargain. Dynamic as hell, 3D soundstage, transparent, detailed and smooth and easy to drive. Sounds like a winner to me. My nearly two year search for the right speaker for the right price ended 2 seconds after I heard them. My pair in African Hazelwood is on order. Personally I think the rear firing tweeter (ambience retrieval system) was not necessary but some may like it and if you dont you can always turn it all the way off. This should be a BIG seller.
I agree with DMA. We are working with Von Schwiekert on other projects, but I have heard these and I am extremely impressed with performance/price ratio. I think Albert and Kevin are really making things happen from an engineering perspective at this company. It's so much harder to make a great affordable speaker--and I emphasize affordable.
I also agree with Dma except that I think that the rear ambient speaker is awesome. You adjust it according to how big your room is (totally up to your tastes) and you can get imaging like nothing I have ever heard in a speaker in it's price range. The soundstage is huge and best of all there is no sweet spot. You can walk around the room and the imaging does not collapse. I have had mine (in dark cherry) for two months now and am very satisfied. Just remember to fill the cavity with sand (line them with a small garbage bag so if the sand has any moisture it won't mold the inside of your speaker) or lead shot and give them 100 to 300 hours to break in properly.
I went up to the $10K range because Wilson's Sophia was the only speaker that performed in a fashion similar to the VR-2 in my listening sessions(sufficient bass,non-offensive highs,3D soundstage). I was beginning to believe there was no easy, or inexpensive ticket to sonic bliss with my SET amp.
I also questioned the purpose of the rear-ambience speaker, but it significantly enhances the soundstage.
I will be curious to see how the professional reviewers evaluate these speakers. I have owned a few "Class A" rated sets, and none have been as impressive in my setup as the VR-2.
I had high hopes for the VR2 but at the high end show on Friday the VR2's sounded extremely muddy to me. This was a shock. I've always liked the VR line and it seems to keep getting better . A good friend of mine tells me that the VR2's sounded much better later in the weekend.

These shows are really a crapshoot, you depend on the vendor to do an adequate setup, choose useful music, etc. One of my favorites system at CES - Pipedreams and VAC (amazing!!!) - sounded mediocre on Friday morning. Sure wish I could have attended Saturday and Sunday.

Did any of you hear the VR2's at the show? What was your experience?
