Realistically, will the Spendor S 3/5 work for me?

Sonically, though I have never heard them, I believe they are quite in line with what I am interested in. But it's their size and low efficiency that I am wondering about and how they would work with my amp and in my room. My room is 13x22x8, which is what, a medium to large sized room? My amp is a 50 watt LFD Mistral integrated amp, which is not a power house nor is it a wimp either. I listen to Jazz, Classical, Ambient, vocals. I don't listen to music all that loud really, usually kind of a moderate volume, not soft but not blaring loud either. My listening position is about 10 feet from the speakers (certainly not nearfield obviously). I would use them with a well integrated sub.

My question is, given my room and my amp, music and listening habits, does anyone have a general sense if they would work for me? I once used a small pair of Paradigm Atoms while waiting for a new pair of speakers, which are similar in size to the S 3/5, and was very pleased with them in regard to volume but then again they have an efficiency rating of 89dB compared to the Spendor's 84dB. I know I would have some limitations with volume and all that, but realistically speaking, would I likely be underpowering them, possibly suffering as well from the room size, which could make them sound strained or even closed in? I like a warmer, more natural and laid back sound but I'd hate for them to sound too closed in due to lack of power and my room. I know going for another amp would likely alleviate the problem here but I really like this amp and would like to not get rid of it. Any insight would be appreciated much.
They should work.

Our local dealer has one in his 13x18 x9 music room and it worked fantastically. If you are looking for an accurate sounding speaker, the S3/5 will be one of them.
Figuy, if you have the bug then why not just buy a used pair? They were done depreciating eons ago so, if others are correct, you will be in love, and if I am correct, you should be able to get out of them for about what you paid. That's what the hobby's all about, N'est pas.
Oh, I definitely was planning on buying a used pair, then sell them if they do not work out and lose little or nothing at all. I might still do this, this way I will know for sure. Yep, thus the way of Audiogon eh!! The only thing I am scared of is they will work and I'll love them, and then still love these Meadowlark's and be so torn!!
While you're speaker shopping be sure to get some Spica Tc-60s. I like the ls3/5, but I prefer Spicas. The imaging is just amazing.
So many speakers, so little time :-) Thank heavens for the used market.