Best Frank Zappa´s Recordings

Hello to everybody!
This is my first post.I ´ve been a Frank Zappa´s fan since the earlies 70´s. In your opinions which are the six best recordings? I think that "Zoot Allures" is one of his best albums ever.
Yellow Shark IS extrodinary!

More so by the fact that members of the Ensemble Modern really spent a lot of time conquering the difficult scores, with most pleasing results. Zappa, ever the perfectionist, was I think happier with these performances than any other of his orchestral works that made it to record.

It would have been nice to have heard it live, as the music was presented in the theatre in 6 channels! I believe 3 channels each were merged to produce the stereo recordings. I think I'm going to go listen to this again tonite...
I am proud I from country(Czech rep) where Zappa got shocking welcome from about 5000 fans including our president/former dissident V.Havel.When Zappa came out from airplane he coud not beleive it there was huge crowd of Zappa's freaks waiting for HIM.Anyway Uncle Meat is one I play the most following by Sheik Yerbouti(I played this one in 4am in Costco warehouse, where I was working as a stocker,very loud on their stereo and I got almost fired for this,well I quit few weeks later anyway,could not handle the bullshit.)Please check out awesome group from Belgium called PALINCKX I was so happy to find out their musicianship and a lot of Zappa's influencies especially album called Psychadelic Years.Thanks for understanding about my broken English.
If you like Zappa you should try his colleague Captain Beefheart. Try Trout Mask Replica.
With the recent passing of Gregory Peck, I can only nominate "The Adventures of Gregary Peccary."
Many don't know it, but classical music was Frank's first love. If you want to understand the man, listen to " The Barking Pumkin Overture".