I am ready for TRUTH, I can handle the TRUTH

I am pretty new here and pretty new to HI-FI so please be patient with me. I am learning pretty quick.

I have been afraid to ask this question...

What effect does having a 65 Inch HD projection
TV in between main's have?

I am very limited for room so i didnt have to many options. Room is rectangular. The mains, TV and center (on top) are placed at a 45 degree angle (left side corner of room) with approx a 10sf triangle behind TV. The left main is very close to LARGE TV and the right main is a few feet from TV. The sub is off in right corner. The speakers are thin Infinity floorstanding. The sub is a Velodyne 15.

Although im open to room placement changes this
question is more of what kind of effects can having
a large TV in between mains have? I listen to mostly
2ch probably 70% and 30% DVD-A and TV/Movies. And
I listen to music at pretty loud levels the highest
being 110db's average probably 80db.

Appreciate any input...


You forgot the F (frequency). The boob tube is AC and therefore is frequency dependent. The frequency of showings must be considered.

I think you have to divide the whole thing by 2piF where F is frequency of showings per day. Think of the Boobtube as a low(IQ) pass filter.

Of course, being down 6db myself I can never keep this stuff straight anymore.

I remain,
LOL @ Clueless & Tsrart. Too funny. Luckily I only suffer from Farleyitis. Not that i own any, but always seem to watch them on tv.

Tsrart's advise is right on...move the speakers up and in if possible. I'd personally sell the tv, but then again, "I am and remain," uninterested in tv.
Tsrat--I went to grad school at the same university where Mr. Farley was an undergraduate (Marquette). Do I have to deduct extra points? I also went to college at the same school used in the Tom Green epic vehicle "Road Trip" (Ithaca). Will that also cost me points?

Let's assume that the answer is "yes" to both questions...do the math...carry the four...

My IQ is -17.568.

I did a thread about this a year or so ago...but the thing that having a TV is an audio system that is the big concern..is your cable signal.

I have never seen a cable feed that doesn't have serious noise and DC voltage on the ground. Once this DC voltage gets onto the grounds of you power and systems..the sonic impact is far from subtle...most of you actually don't know what your missing if it has been a long time...or never, since you had just an audio system.

You can check this two ways. Get someone to lend you a voltmeter and measure the ground on the cable TV feed. But even better , and this is assuming a home, go outside and disconect the cable where it comes into your home and the cable ground that has been attached to that pipe that serves as your AC ground. Then go inside and disconnect the TV cable/digital box completely from your system...inc. AC power. Then, after this simplification, just connect your best source component to you amplification..and listen. Noise floor will be lower, voices will bloom...and listener fatigue will drop a great deal. (If your not familiar with cable/ground...etc. you might get a friend to help you...don't want anyone screwing up their system....or getting a shock..even if it is only static shock).

So, what I am saying is the worst thing about televisions and their related gear is: they screw up the sound.