I am ready for TRUTH, I can handle the TRUTH

I am pretty new here and pretty new to HI-FI so please be patient with me. I am learning pretty quick.

I have been afraid to ask this question...

What effect does having a 65 Inch HD projection
TV in between main's have?

I am very limited for room so i didnt have to many options. Room is rectangular. The mains, TV and center (on top) are placed at a 45 degree angle (left side corner of room) with approx a 10sf triangle behind TV. The left main is very close to LARGE TV and the right main is a few feet from TV. The sub is off in right corner. The speakers are thin Infinity floorstanding. The sub is a Velodyne 15.

Although im open to room placement changes this
question is more of what kind of effects can having
a large TV in between mains have? I listen to mostly
2ch probably 70% and 30% DVD-A and TV/Movies. And
I listen to music at pretty loud levels the highest
being 110db's average probably 80db.

Appreciate any input...

Actually, and truthfully, if you are doing the CORNER PLACMENT THING, you're dealing with alot of issues, not just TV INTERFERENCE! The interference with the TV will be a problem if your speakers are casting REFLECTION POINTS back to your ears from the speakers themselves! So, if the speakers are, say, out infront of your TV, and the sound reflects off your speakers, back to the tv, then back to your ears, then you're getting immage smearing and blurring!
If you're speakers are behind the edges of the TV, then you're getting more of the CUPPED-HANDS effect sonically! Also, you're getting VERY IMMEDIATE reflections off your side walls next to your speakers, that are mixing with the dirrect sound, which causes the same kinds of anomolies...not good. IN addition, the big tv DOES affect teh bass response samwhat in different frequency reigions, depending. (one way to figure this, if you cared, is to measure the bass response with and without the TV pressent!). Also, yes more, you'll not be getting the same frequency response from speaker to speaker in this set up, and you'll have different sound from each speaker accordingly!
Personally, I've never heard a corner placement set up work well, ever!!! I am more of an advocate of SYMETRICAL arrangements, as they tend to yeild a better foundation with which to work with..but you gotta do what you gotta do.
At any rate, the TV has an affect depending on a lot of variables in your set up.
If you MUST KNOW THE TRUTH, then I'd say you have at least 100% or more better sounic potential at your disposal with ANOTHER SET UP SCHEME!!! Placement of both speakers, seats, and acoustic treatment considerations, acounts for at least, AT LEAST, 60% of your over all sound! That's no understatment. And ANY GOOD PRO AUDIO REVIEWER worth his/her salt will tell you about the same!
good luck
61" Toshiba between my NHT 3.3's. Fortunately, my room is deep enough (23'), that I've moved the 33" deep 3.3's a few inches from the wall, moving the faces of the speakers almost 10" forward of the screen. Imaging is great, although at higher SPL's (95 dB+/-)the side-firing woofers tend to rattle the bezel and cabinet of the TV. I've got about a foot between the speakers and the TV. The logical evolution will be to justify the front projection system. With a 9' high wall and vaulted ceiling, I figure I can get away with a 10' screen. The room is 18' wide.

Fun thread. Hope this all helps. The problem with the power
conditioners...they still keep the ground, and that is where
the cable/digital signal has the DC voltage on it.

A buzz or hum is usually the first thing you notice, near the
speakers but not affected by volume. However the bigger
concern is more complete in what having DC introduced onto
the grounds of your system does to the overall sonic quality.

Also, some of the divices that are claimed to correct this
concern cannot...because digital TV uses the ground as part
of the signal.
Everyone.. Thanks for input... Its really cool you guys
take the time to help out inspiring newcombers.


I had a hunch someone was going to tell me
to go to a more symetrical setup. I can do
that but i will be blocking a window with TV.
But i have been waiting for reason to do it.
So hell with the window. The thing i was most
concerened about is the immediate reflections
you mentioned from speaker side to side walls.
The drivers are pointed in a way that it looks
like there would be minimal reflections on sides
but the left main is wedged between TV and wall.
Bad news i guess. The other thing i am worried
about is the effect on bass as you mentioned.
I cant hear any ILL effects but i know there is
plenty room for improvement.


I want a cool handle like you guys have. I
may be changing soon.. You will know when you see
"the artist formerly knows as Spluta"
appears after new handle.

Yes the front projection would be exclellent or im thinking
one of those 4" thick plasma's nice and far back from speakers. Mine is Toshiba also 65h80 I love the thing... beautiful picture ...The best i have seen but the cabinet is just to damn big for my new house.


You have explained the symptoms exactly. I did run the cable thru the PWR conditioners cable filtering and it impoved signal noticiably but it never crossed my mind that the grounds were being contaminated. The other thing is when i turn the TV on and the audio is idle (I leave the pre and amp on and turn everything else off) the buzz is much more evident. I guess thats when it really starts broadcasting and crosstalk gets worse.

What did you do to remedy situation? Please advise...
now that the window has come into play, definitely treat it with absorption material (heavy drapes should do). glass is not kind to audio as it reflects badly