Money no object,,,,which speakers would you own???

Ok,,,,,,,,,,,,,,here's the survey.

Some of you may in the position to afford your dream speakers so obviously this doesn't apply to you.

This survey applies to the remainder of us dreamers!

I need you to list 2 speakers. 1 for your favorite visually. The 2nd speaker just for appeal factor.

I'll start.

Looks: Sonus Faber Amati Homage
Appeal: Eggleston Andras
Looks: SF Amati Homage. All the copycats don't come even close to SF Guarneri or Amati.
Appeal: Dynaudio Evidence. I will have to merge my living room and bedroom to own giant speakers like Evidence.

So the final verdict, I bought the Amati.

If money were no object, which "super" high-end speakers would I own????

Well, that is both, an easy and hard choice at the same time, if there is such a thing.

Well, you are REALLY making this hard for me (LOL). But if there is any speakers that I would love to own someday if I should EVER strike it rich, then it would have to be these.

(01). B&W 805 Nautilus (either in lacquered rosewood or cherry) -- looks (and the sound quality isn't all that bad either).

(02). Vandersteen 3A Signatures (again.... with lacquered rosewood or cherry endcaps on the top and bottom) -- sound quality (at a real world "high-end" price).

(03). Sonus Faber Amati Homage (in maple......... what else) -- sex appeal.

I'm one of "those" who have managed to own my dream speakers-- Vandersteen 5s and if I had to keep my present listening room, I would stay with them for both looks and sound quality. OTOH, the Vandersteen 5As look the same but are supposed to be sonically improved 5s (haven't heard them), so I'd probably go w/ them in my present room. If I had a mansion though I'd have to look around;>). Cheers. Craig
I have to admit,,,,,,,,,,,,,I also have sweet spot in my heart for the Nearfield Pipedreams. I saw/heard them at the Home Entertainment show in NYC. Absolutely remarkable!

As good as they looked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,there's just looking prettier than a pair of Amati's.
