Money no object,,,,which speakers would you own???

Ok,,,,,,,,,,,,,,here's the survey.

Some of you may in the position to afford your dream speakers so obviously this doesn't apply to you.

This survey applies to the remainder of us dreamers!

I need you to list 2 speakers. 1 for your favorite visually. The 2nd speaker just for appeal factor.

I'll start.

Looks: Sonus Faber Amati Homage
Appeal: Eggleston Andras
Looks: Sonus Faber Amati Homage. Have to admit the Kharma Exquisites can also attact one's attention favorably.

Sonics: We own the Acapella Campanile Highs, but money no object? Then: ACAPELLA SPHÄRON (which also look pretty darn cool themselves!).

Avalon Sentinel or the Sound Lab Ultimate-1. Either one
for me. Aesthetix Io preamp and the AtmaSphere MA-3 OTL
amps. Purist cables/interconnects. For playback the high
end Metronome CD setup. If ss: Spectral DMA360 with DMC30sl
and the new SDR4000s cd player. MIT Oracle V1.1 interconnects/cables.

Real nice dream for me.