Thiel or Sonus Faber??...Need help please

i am considering an upgrade from my Thiel 3.5 speakers, i am looking for a sweeter sound and i am considering Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage, but being a monitor speaker im afraid they may not have adequate bass. My system is all analog front end with Basis 2500/Graham 2.2/Koetsu Urushi, CAT ultimate pre and Classe CA-301 all with Carda Golden Cross....any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated! I listen to mostly Jazz and Classic Rock
the guarneris will not give you deep bass, although the midrange is superb. what about the sonus faber cremona? it's a floorstander( some say it's a bigger version of the guarneris ) . the other option is the vienna acoustics strauss or mahler. i quite like the sound of the mahlers with ARC amps...plenty of deep bass for rock music but still sweet and warm.

good hunting!
I don't know of any monitor speaker, that has the prodigious bass your 3.5s deliver. After the 3.5s you'll never be satisfied, with monitors, unless you go with a sub. My Revel M20s with Sistrum Monitor Speaker Platforms and a Sunfire Architectural sub with Sistrum stand, go where no 3.5 (3.6, 2.2,) can go. Trust me, I use to own the 1.5s. While bass shy, compared to the 3.5s, similar in other ways. Watch where you're going to go from here. This post may go to Pluto. Fasten your seatbelt: "warp factor I" The 'gon will take care of you.