Auditioned Infinity MTS. Disappointed. Questions..


I wanted full range system. So I have auditioned Infinity MTS speaker with RABOS (big $$$). It matched with Denon-2900 DVD and Runco(?) separates. But I was disappointed of unclear image and rather dull sound quality.

Many praised this speaker, but it didn't impress me. Something wrong with selection of power amp or DVD source? Or is this expected? My current system is Audio Research VT100MK2, SP-11MK2, CD-1, with Merlin TMS monitor. For me, they are far superior to Infinity system.

Thank you in advance for your comments!
Runco does not even make anything audio only video. You cannot even tell us what the system is composed of. For all we know it is a cheap dennon receiver driving 10,000 dollar speakers, or you are just making this up. I've heard em' and they sounded amazing coupled with Pass amplification and a Sony 777es SACD player. Sounds like all you want to do is talk about how good the Merlin TMS monitor, an audiophile lovely, is. Do you really think this missive is helpful? I'm not being mean or flaming it is just that when someone comes around and dismisses a very well engineered speaker which if produced by a company like Merlin would cost 30,000 and find comradeship with an audiophile approved stamp. Give me a break you did not even say how long you listened, or that you heard it with your own equipment. And besides, with sentences such as this:
"I wanted full range system. So I have auditioned Infinity MTS speaker with RABOS (big $$$). It matched with Denon-2900 DVD and Runco(?) separates. But I was disappointed of unclear image and rather dull sound quality."

How do you expect anyone not to think you are 15 years old? Need a few more "a's" and "the's", I think.
I am somewhat in agreement with Kchahoc's sentiments, although I think his comments are somewhat harsh.

It is possible for even the best equipment in the world to sound lackluster if connected to substandard associated gear in a questionable acoustic environment, with little or no attention paid to proper setup procedures. This is what I suspect happened. Plus, you were listening to an unfamiliar system as a whole, so it would be impossible to pin the fault on any particular component, but I'd have to suspect the Runco amplification too, since it is not known in audiophile circles.

Your experience is essentially meaningless because there are too many unknown variables in your equation. If you'd auditioned the Infinity speakers in your own home and system, then you'd have the basis for a fair comparison. As it is, you do not have a basis for drawing any conclusions. And I don't own Merlin or Infinity speakers, so I have no axe to grind.

On the other hand, it's unfortunate that some retail establishments cannot take the time or do not care enough to set up their products to perform near their potential. That doesn't do anyone any good.
I'm using the MTS with an arc vt100mk1 & am far from "disappointed" Spearit sound has "refurbs" if the $$$ are too high @ retail