Good speakers for Pass Aleph 3?


I am looking for a good pair of speakers to go with my aleph 3. I have narrowed my selection down to a few, and would appreciate it if anyone has opinions on any of the speakers:

Dunlavy SC-1/AV
Dunlavy SC-2a
Audio Physics Spark III
Audio Physics Yara
Triangle Acoustics Titus
Triangle Acoustics Celinus
A comment from over the pond,I love my Aleph 3's as well,but like you am aware of the power limitations. It's not the most origonal comment,but there are Watt's and there are Watt's.The Aleph 3 may not have double the power attributed to valve watts, but they seem much more powerfull than their rated 30. The real problem seems to be in the fashionable,at least over here, small 2 way stand mounts. Even ported they seem to need 60 to a 100 minimum. I bought mine from a guy who gave up trying to drive his excellent Dynaudio 1.3 contours and reluctantly sold me his Aleph 3.
I digress, I would also support the excellent Living Voice speakers, just I believe becoming available over the pond. Built for valves by a valve nut, at 94db sensitivity they also sound wonderful with the Aleph 3. I am also tempted by your Avalon speakers. The larger closed box models are out of the question, but has anyone tried the baby Symbols with the Aleph 3. I'd love to hear your opinion.
I liked the set up with Soliloquy 5.3s. NOTE: I was using the Aleph 30, which is basically the same thing.
I use Aleph amps too, but I'm sorry, but I can't give credence to this question. You match speakers to a ROOM, not an amp.... Find speakers that sound great with your Aleph IN YOUR ROOM, and then you're done. So tell us about your room: it's dimensions, damping; your musical taste, etc. Who knows, the Aleph 3 may be too small (like it was for me), and you may end up with a bigger one. I got a pair of Aleph 2 hanging from the basement rafters! But ONLY after selecting my speakers. Don't do this backwards....