What Speaker are Great for Rock and Roll $5K-20K

My bother just bought a Krell FPB-300 and Krell pre-amp.

He wants to play Rock and Roll,

I tried to explane to him that this equipment is best for Jazz and Classical music.

I would like some help if possible on this one.

Thank you
Well I surely do not agree with Phasecorrect. With all due respect, I think it's ridiculous to assert that rock and roll does not deserve superior speakers or warrant spending $5k.

Are you trying to tell me that Pink Floyd's The Wall sounds just as good on speakers costing less than $5k as it does on speakers costing more than $5k? There are plenty of wonderful recordings of rock and roll that deserve good equipment. I personally listen to mostly classical and jazz but I love to crank a good rock album and a good system makes it all the more enjoyable.

Perhaps Britney Spears or highly compressed top 40 crap will not show off a high end system as well as a dynamic Mahler symphony, but I refuse to accept the idea that audiophile grade equipment is only worthwhile for a small percentage of recordings on the market. Virtually every piece of music I've ever A/B'd has sounded vastly superior on a good system. Of course, the better the recording the more noticeable the improvement... no argument there.
Like it or not...the majority of hi-end equipment...especially in the 5k range... is not geared for rock....more often than not...the system is of a very unforgiving nature with lean bass...and unlike Floyd...most rock is frankly recorded poorly...so really...you are doing yourself a disfavor both financially and acoustically...save some cash...dont blow a huge wad...get something decent...like the Paradigms...which are around 1-2k...and call it a day...chances are ...you will be pleasantly surprised...their transparency,imaging,and bass is quite good..read the reviews...they will give alot of more esoteric,pricier models a stiff challenge...
I agree with Phase Correct about the recording of rock. I have Dunlavy athenas fed by VTL at home and i have to admit a lot of my rock cds sound a lot better in the car. You might want to look at EV pro gear. Tons of thump, decent transparency when you take some time to set them up...generally very good speakers but not as revealing as high end audio. as an added benifit the next greatest band in the world that just ran out of time probably has them for sale pretty cheap. S-15s are a good 3 way that you should be able to find for less than a grand in very good shape. They have a higher end version that sounds great but is more money..still not 5k though. WAF for either of them, however, is non existant.