Vandersteen 3x Owners: More Bass?

Just curious how many owners of Vandersteen 3 series speakers (or 2 series)have chosen to add a subwoofer (most like one or two from Vandersteen), and if not, why not?
I have a stereo pair of 2Wq subs in tandem with my 3A Sig's. I've been very pleased with them -- not just for HT, but also for 2-channel audio.
I had a pair of 2Cis for 12 years in a 2 channel system located in a large living room with a cathedral ceiling. I listen to a lot of jazz and the bass was incredibly good - I never considered I needed subs to extend or fill the low end in. The base response measured below 30 hz at 3 db down. The 3s are an improvement on the bottom end so I'm sure they would have performed even better.

If I was trying to combine a HT with my 2 channel, I suspect I would have wanted a more floor shaking kick for movies, and the 2WQ subs would have definitely been the way to go.

Assuming you are considered an upgrade to a 2 channel, I suggest that you consider investing first in the best source and front end you can afford before adding subs.
I have no interest in HT, only 2-channel acoustic music (jazz, folk, classical). I own the Vandersteen 3A Sigs with VPI TT, ARC CD3, CAT SL1 Ultimate, and Pass Aleph 2 Monoblocks. I was curious as to whether the (2)2Wq would improve the overall sound, as well as the bass. Some postings suggests that the Pass Aleph 2 are a bit lacking a bass slam. I thought the 2Wqs with their 300 Watt Amps would make up for this perceived lack of bass slam - but would they introduce other problems: additional wire, filters, integration etc. Frankly my system sounds good to me, but it is hard to know what you might be missing till you hear a system that has better performance for comparison. I would be interested in any ideas for improving the system as a whole, including the "front end" -but I suspect this is not my problem area, but I'm interested in other opinions.