Speakers that have holographic imaging on vocals..

As far as 3-d imaging on vocals...I found only a handful...namely Spendors,Vandersteens,and older Spica tc-50s that I used to own capable of doing this...and this includes auditioning Maggies,Thiels,Revels,Logans, and too many more to mention...any thoughts?
I owned the SPICA TC 50 for ten years and even went out to the shop in new mexico.I still love them but when my pockets got deeper I searched for about one year for a speaker that eschews all the virtues of the TC 50 had better extension in bass,a more holographic mid and a smoother high frequency extension and it had to be very efficient for low watt tube amps.My search ended about 3 months ago when I purchased the REFERENCE 3A DECAPO i which is the latest iteration.The ability to demo them is weak so you will have to look and travel high and low to hear them but for anyone who loved the SPICAS like I did these DECAPOS are the heir apparent to that venerable design.Good luck and happy holidays.
How about a pair of Verity Audio Fidelio or Verity Audio Parsifal Encore? Great imaging speakers with one of the best midrange....

Best Regards
Try Totem Hawks, they have holographic imaging that is also palpable. I still have my TC50s (over 10 years) as a back up, but I am thinking of trading them in for the Hawks. The only drawback would be that they are inefficient like the Spicas.
You will not beat Merlin-just look at the reviews at audioreview-they can't all be wrong!