Speakers that have holographic imaging on vocals..

As far as 3-d imaging on vocals...I found only a handful...namely Spendors,Vandersteens,and older Spica tc-50s that I used to own capable of doing this...and this includes auditioning Maggies,Thiels,Revels,Logans, and too many more to mention...any thoughts?
I will add Royd speakers to this list. They do an amazing job on vocals and the 3D imaging is just amazing.
I believe that the Hawks are about $2200 retail and $200 more if you want the cherry finish. The cherry finished Hawks do sound better than the standard black or mahongany, a mellower fuller sound. The designer said it has something to do with the way the veneer resonates.

I also, had a pair of Maggie 1.6qrs and I agree that they do not image as well as the Spicas or Hawks. The images are diffused and have no solidity to them. Perhaps a big 200 watt tube amp would help (?).
Flat panel tends to sound big and detail (guess the air move like plane wave). But to my ears, it is like a big peace of glass, huge sound stage but brittle. For vocal, the soundstage is sometimes exagerrating too much that I feel it like a big picture of mouth, huge but the big mouth does not have enough depth for breath.

Somehow I like solo vocal from small boxed speaker like ProAC 1sc, merlin, or SL600.... I think they have the right size for the vocal and if you place them right, they have depth too. For good recording, you can even feel the singer's head is rotating left and right. Flat speakers although have great detail but did not convince me that they can pick up good image over good box speaker. It is not easy for a head big like that can turn natually. For details, yes, flat speaker are very good. But to me, image is not just about big picture and details.

I am only talking about image on vocal. For big band music flat speakers have its own strength (soundstage, details) and weakness (bass shy).