Best Small Efficient Speaker for Office or Sm Room

I'm thinking of putting together a simple system for an office. A nice receiver or intergrated amp with tuner and CD player with small speakers placed on office furniture or speaker stands. I'm looking for a speaker that sounds good with very low power (25-40wpc) and at low listening levels. Another important part of the puzzle is that I don't want to spend more than $250 per pair used. Looking for some good feedback here. I'm open to any suggestions.
I have a secondary system consisting of a Linn Classik and a pair of B&W 303s. The 303s are a great little speaker, and you should be able to pick up a pair, even new, for under $300. These are "down the line" from the DM601s mentioned above, but check them out just the same. To each his own...
NHT. You can pick up some nice NHT's for very reasonable price (used). However, I would go for a fuller range NHT than the Superzeros. I own a pair of Superzeros and would not put them in my office. I also own B&W N802's and have run smaller B&Ws, Thiels, but for my office it's an NAD integrated and NHT speakers. Excellent at low volumes where they still seem to do the good stuff right.
second the Axiom M22Ti. I have been very happy with them driven by both a flea power zen amp and 300B tubes SET amp. Only missing is the bottom end.

A pair of used Tannoy Mercury M1s costs about $160 used.

Europen speaker of the year 1998 - 1999:

HiFi Choice review:
I think Superzero's are too bass shy.Try the ones.I have recomnded B&W 302's too freinds and use them on my all in one office set up.They don't have the bass the 303's have but are much cleaner and bright which I like.Really interesting technology went into them with a back panel with molded pyramids to break up standing waves.Last the cheap Triangle bookshelves (Titus?) get very favorable nods and are very efficient.Letus know what you got!