Using a studio monitor for home listening?

Has anyone tried using a pair of main studio monitors at home? Most studio monitors don't look as good as consumer speakers. Other than that, any protential incompatibilities?
No incompatibilities, but very often commerically available studio monitors probably are not the best (as in "most natural") speakers for high quality music reproduction in the home. Never made much sense to me that this was the case, but the needs of a studio are very different than our needs in a listening room environment. I'd recommend you listen critically before making a commitment.
Rockvirgo, my only add to your comments is that they imply that studio monitors are "accurate". Often they are not accurate but have tipped frequency extremes and/or upper midranges to exaggerate certain portions of the sound spectrum - those inaccuracies make them "ruthlessly revealing." And ruthlessly amusical.
It all depends on what type of "studio monitor" you're talking about. Some are very accurate and musical (e.g., LS3/5A, Harbeths) and well-suited to home use; others aren't good for much of anything except getting stupid-loud (this camp would include the classic JBLs, Tannoys, Westlakes, and anything else using horn drivers).
Karls is exactly right -- some of the monitor speakers that grew out of the BBC legacy have excellent reputations for accuracy. Also, there are some others such as the original Wilson Watt and the specially modified Avalon Acoustic speakers used by Keith Johnson. Unfortunately, there are many, many more that fail to match, or even come close to, those standards.
Very interesting post. I have actually been using two loudspeaker designs, one for 20 years and the other for 2 years, which are used as studio monitors; Yamaha NS1000M and B&W Nautilus 801s. I believe the Yamaha's were originally designed for the Swedish Broadcasting Company and the 801s (in various forms) have had extensive use as studio monitors over the years (the N801s are used as studio monitors at Abbey Road Studios).

Both designs are, as a monitor should be, extremely revealing and will play very loud. I have been extremely happy with the Yamaha's over the years. The N801's are, in my opinion, the best loudspeakers I have ever heard. Unlike conventional studio speakers, both designs look excellent in a domestic situation.

