Center image on left side and don't know why


What should be the center image in my soundstage is on the left side. I've tried everything, swapped amps, speakers, cables, changed locations from long wall to short wall, and even had my ears cleaned, nothing works. It's really frustrating. Any other ideas?

Thanks for your help,

I agree with Twl, in first order I would look at electronic problems in one channel of your preamp or source output.
(Have you swapped cables all the way back to the source?
The most important thing is to narrow down where the problem is coming from (obviously). Try switching left and right speakers. Does the soundstage then move to the right? Then try swapping left and right connections on your preamp. Etc.
I have this problem too and concluded that in my case it is a room/speaker placement problem. My "center image" is usually 3-5 dB to the left of center (but it varies with music). I can center it by moving my listening position, but don't like this solution in my room, so I only use pre-amps with balance control.

Some good pre-amps with balance control are Sonic Frontiers Line series, ARC LS-25, and Levinson SS pre-amps. I use the SF Line 2SE, and there are several good but inexpensive pre-amps with balance control, ie Adcom. Cheers. Craig
The problem occurs with all of my speakers(BG Radia, Green Mountian, EFE Tech, Michaura) amps(Jolida, ASL, Vecteur, Sansui) and sources(CD, digital music, tuner). It's got me baffled. I do notice that when I move my head laterally to the left about six inchs the image stabilizes in the center. When I look at the left soundstage the image moves even further to the left than when I look straight ahead. It occures on both the long and short wall. My room is 15x30x8 and symetrical. I'm begining to think it is my hearing. Even thought the doctor said my ears are clear I bought some Murine ear cleaner anyway.
Do others listening to your set-up experience the same phenomenon? If no, then it sounds (pun intended) like a hearing problem (right ear).