Center image on left side and don't know why


What should be the center image in my soundstage is on the left side. I've tried everything, swapped amps, speakers, cables, changed locations from long wall to short wall, and even had my ears cleaned, nothing works. It's really frustrating. Any other ideas?

Thanks for your help,

The problem occurs with all of my speakers(BG Radia, Green Mountian, EFE Tech, Michaura) amps(Jolida, ASL, Vecteur, Sansui) and sources(CD, digital music, tuner). It's got me baffled. I do notice that when I move my head laterally to the left about six inchs the image stabilizes in the center. When I look at the left soundstage the image moves even further to the left than when I look straight ahead. It occures on both the long and short wall. My room is 15x30x8 and symetrical. I'm begining to think it is my hearing. Even thought the doctor said my ears are clear I bought some Murine ear cleaner anyway.
Do others listening to your set-up experience the same phenomenon? If no, then it sounds (pun intended) like a hearing problem (right ear).
Just experiment with moving 1 single speaker foward or back to get it to lock in, that will likely fix the symptoms and may even be the cause....
Socrates you are on the mark. I moved the right speaker about 9 inches forward and the center image locked in. It must be the ear. Maybe the ear drops with perform magic but it looks like I'm stuck with a bad ear at 38.(<:

Now is when I wish I had an amp with a balance control. It kinda bothers me that one speaker is ahead of the other, you know.(<:

Thanks to all for your advise.

Hello Pete-I agree with Socrates' solution. I have always found this to work the best. My room is not exactly symetrical and by moving my right speaker an inch and a half forward the phasing locks in. However, I do not find that using a balance control has the same effect on the soundstaging. Yes, the volume on each channel can be set identical, but the timing of one channel in relationship to the other is not in sync and all those little cues that define a clear and realistic soundstage are missing.