Piega's "New "Spk line: "Improved or Just Hype?"

Piega of Switzerland has introduced a "new line" of speakers.I am curious if anyone has heard the model C-3 which is $3995.It is a short column about 40 inches tall. They claim that they have improved the "ribbon" tweeter and therefore improved the overall sound. Some of their previous models were often considered bright and edgy. Can anyone confirm whether this model line presents "real" improvement over the previous speakers??? Thank you, SJ
Since Sanibel sound (aka. Hifi farm) is importing/distributing it, there's probably a healthy dose of hype involved.

I heard the C-3 Limited on Friday at CES, played my favorite Jennifer Warnes and the sound was too bright,edge,and thin.

Walk out from the room after 40 seconds.

I haven't heard the older model which received many good reviews,so i can't compare them.

At the risk of disagreeing I have had the c8ltd for some time now (3 months) and been very pleased. Speakers will of course be a very personel thing and so I will not argue with those that don't like the sound. I have heard a substantial number of friends with healthy musical interests (audiophile and non) and to a T they have liked the new speakers a lot (even those much more set and horn oriented). I did hear from a friend who has heard mine and was at ces and he was not very impressed with the piega room though he thought they sounded superb in my place. In the end I would try to audition and see if it matches your taste
I have had the good fortune of having both the P-10's and C-10ltd in my listening room for a month. The C-10's are a completely different sounding. Bigger dynamics, deep low and the tightest bass. Smooth midrange and the best relaxed highs I have ever heard. The speaker configuration is totally different with 4 woofers and a different ribbon system. The p-10 are still a great sounding speaker that I wouldn't want to part with. The have a very true musical presentation and very unfatigueing. Both speakers need a lot of breakin time to be at there best. Contrary to the other posts I think they are a bit on the laid back side with my system. The midrange and treble area is more revealing which may be exposing the weaknesses of their souce components. I also have had other dealers and fellow audiogoners in my listening room who were also very impressed. Its all subjective and no speaker can please everybody but in my mind its as good as it gets.