Efficient speakers for my 2A3's........

I just bought a pair of Cary 2A3's monoblocks, about 5 watts /channel SET. Lets get some recommendations for some super efficient bookshelf speakers, I want to hear the SET voice from heaven.....thanks.....Mark
I like my Cain & Cain Abby Nearfield ($1500)
Modified Voight pipe with 165mm Fostex FF-165K speaker. I use them with the same Cary 2A3 amp that I think you own. I also have a pair of the Soliloquy SM2A3 speakers (another good speaker) that I'm currently not using.
I use Lowthers with my Voigt Pipe cabinets, and they are well known to be one of the preferred speakers for SET gear. It is one of the classic combinations. If you don't make your own cabinets, buying pre-made ones can be expensive. Some Lowther models can be 100db efficient, when loaded into a cabinet. This gives over 105db peaks with a 2A3 amp. They will play pretty darn loud and clean with a 2A3. Bookshelf speakers are not really an option with Lowthers, or other real efficient speakers because of the cabinet designs that are required to achieve useable bass response. However, the Omega speakers mentioned above, or the Loth-X bookshelf series will do reasonably well in the bass, for a small sized cabinet that doesn't use a back loaded horn.
Here's a link to recommended speakers for SET amps:

Second the motion for Cain and Cain. I like their BEN speakers though, - more bass than Abby and nicer looking. I heard them at THE show and they were playing great with the Stippich 2A3 monos. Best sound at the show, IMHO. I may have to get a pair myself someday.

Omega TS-1 (the upgraded version). Tell Louis, Glenn sent ya. You'll love working with Louis. Solid guy, beautiful product.