Efficient speakers for my 2A3's........

I just bought a pair of Cary 2A3's monoblocks, about 5 watts /channel SET. Lets get some recommendations for some super efficient bookshelf speakers, I want to hear the SET voice from heaven.....thanks.....Mark
Omega TS-1 (the upgraded version). Tell Louis, Glenn sent ya. You'll love working with Louis. Solid guy, beautiful product.
Good question Dekay, the room is 20 feet X 12 feet, long and narrow, the speakers have to go on wall shelves or my kids will destroy them. I would like to spend $2000 used, so lets figure $4000 retail.. thanks....
Train the kids? Or just keep the door closed. No reason they should destroy stuff... hell, a little discipline goes a long way on that sort of thing. You deserve to have what you want with out compromising at least in that one room, I'd think...

Hi ED, I bet you dont have kids!!!! At one time, I ranged over entire territories. My influence and range were unbounded. Then, with marriage, compromise after compromise traded territory after territory. I am still holding on to a little patch on the attic floor of my house, but even that is under siege......
Hi Mark:

Nothing (I am familiar with) comes to mind that would sound good on a bookshelf.

Unless you find an efficient speaker designed for such an application I would not suggest putting much money into it (you would probably end up with an otherwise good speaker that does not perform well close to walls/boundaries).

An odd thought is to check out the Gallo DUE's which are designed for close to the wall placement (they can also be wall mounted). The online spec's do not state the ohm load, just efficiency @ 93 dB (which should be OK as they do not go that low).