Has anyone heard the Swan Diva line of Speakers?

Hey guys,

Just curious if anyone here has heard the Swan Diva Line of Speakers. From the pics I've been able to get my hands on they are very sharp looking speakers and from the few reviews that I've read, they are fairly well liked. However, I was wondering if anyone had any "real life" experience w/ them.

Also, I noticed on the AV123 webpage that the Diva's cannot be purchased there anymore, but the ONIX Rocket speaker had been designed. I understand that these are brand new, but I would be interested to see if anyone had heard these as well.

You made want to check over on the asylum or harmonicdiscord, seems to be a lot of talk about them there.

I just heard a pair at CES, don't remember which ones but my 2 friends any myself thought they sounded pretty poor. Very hi-fi, very in-involving. Stayed in room less than 3 minuets.

Hope that helps,
They are - WERE - excellent speakers for the money. I own a pair of stand-mounted Diva 3.1's. Very nice woodwork, too, looked real classy.

Problem is: AV123.COM can't sell 'em anymore due to potential legal reasons. The use of the top-mounted tweeter must resemble B&W or someone else's designs too much, there's potential legal trouble there. And I think there was also a note about the name "Diva" already used by another manufacturer, and they wanted the speaker line renamed so as not to be confused with their product.

It's too bad, the sound is remarkable on them, and they are easy to drive.

BUT....the GOOD news is that AV123.COM is carrying another line, the Rocket series by Onix. Same (even better, I've heard) woodwork, I think the same source for lower range drivers, but the tweeter is the becoming-legendary Vifa Ring Tweeter, and supposedly sounds very nice as well.

The largest in the series has a crossover design by Dick Pierce, who is very well known and respected in the Audio Engineering circles. It's an intersting design, worth reading about.

Anyways, I'm rambling. The Diva's are great, there are some comparisons on Audio Asylum in the threads, with most talk leaning towards the Rockets being better overall, maybe the Diva's having some preference here or there.

For me, I haven't used my Diva's in a long time, but I just can't seem to bring myself to get rid of them :-)

Best of luck, and good listening.

Todd - chams_uk
Sure have. I have a set.
You can also read about them here:


A message board thread that quickly went past 10/20/100 posts to now have over 3,000 posts in 156 pages. People who have Divas really, really love them.

I have a friend here in town who has the 6.1's
He is on his second pair as one tweeter on one speaker of his first pair failed.
He was given a new pair free with free shipping.They were under warranty still.
He was told the tweeters and drivers cant be repaired/replaced.
The fit and finish on his second pair is quite inferior to his first pair.
As far as I know,the Diva line is no more and I did see AV123 selling off their last three pair of 6.1's.
Good luck to you that have Diva's...if one fails, what then??